The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database.

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The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database.

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下載 freeType 2.9.1

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首先, 以ArrayList為例,透過foreach指令來依序讀取內容物

   1: ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
   2: list.Add("1");
   3: list.Add(2);
   4: list.Add("3");
   5: list.Add('4');
   6: foreach(object o in list)
   7: {
   8:     Console.Write($"{o.GetType().ToString()} :");
   9:     Console.WriteLine(o);
  10: }

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 Create a Zip with full control over contents

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Histogram Comparison (Histogram Matching)


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> anaconda search opencv


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Tutorial how to use EmguCV in Asp.Net MVC application

Turn your OpenCV Code into a Web API in under 10 minutes — Part 1

Turn your OpenCV code into a Web API in less than 10 minutes : Part 1


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Since the Viz(Visualization Toolkit) is not included in official opencv package, you have to build it


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SQL Server 2017 Express Edition 下載


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1. MicroHttpServer - 用100行C#寫一個HTTP Server

示範寫一個簡單http server console application

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8路網絡繼電器 IP繼電器 Web Relay 雙控本地 手機 遠程控制 /安卓 蘋果 平板 windows系統

NT $1,500


    1. 以太網RJ45介面 。

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How to make auto-adjustments(brightness and contrast) for image Android Opencv Image Correction

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Given a set of connected points, where they are filled with red color.

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Today I reveiewed Observer Pattern – Design Pattern (Using C#) and have finished watching Observer Design Pattern tutorial.

As usual, I implemented the example in C# instead of JAVA.

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What is the Visitor Design Pattern ?

1. Allows you to add methods to classes of different types without much altering to these classes.

2. You can make completely different methods depending on the class used.

3. Allows you to define external classes that can extend other classes without majorly edit them.


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A useful tutorial that help you understand about Interpreter Pattern.

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What is flyweight pattern?

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Create a logger

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The following is an example[1] of image blending, which seamlessly combines two different images by using the mask of itself.

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   1: interface IWeapon
   2: {
   3:     void Use();
   4: }

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This tutorial is about composite pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about adapter pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about command pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about proxy pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about factory pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about observer pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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Today, I am going to organize something about decorator pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.
Besides I would like to implement it by using C# and hope that would help someone who is also learning decorator pattern.


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projectPoints is a useful function, which can automatically projects 3D points to an image plane.

Here is another good example shows how to project 3D points by using the project matrix.

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> conda install –c anaconda tk

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It's a world of laughter, a world of tears; 

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Source Image: img1

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Programming Computer Vision with Python

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Download VirtualBox


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An Error message poped up and it showed that“HDF5 CANNOT BE FOUND!”

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樹梅派3 目前直接內建WIFI和藍芽

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在自動化處理常遇到一個狀況是多線排程,例如有三條工作站,每一條工作站的處理能力不同,例如worker1可以處理加工時間<5,worker2可以處理加工時間5~10, 而worker3可以處理加工時間10~15,假設今天客戶的加工需要加工時間清單如下(jobID即加工時間)

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接續上一篇 [命令模式]執行一個請求與如何執行間的解耦: 使用C# 

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