目前分類:Design Pattern & Implementation by Using C# (48)

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[Design Pattern] 代理模式 (Proxy Pattern)


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me1237guy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today I reveiewed Observer Pattern – Design Pattern (Using C#) and have finished watching Observer Design Pattern tutorial.

As usual, I implemented the example in C# instead of JAVA.

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What is the Visitor Design Pattern ?

1. Allows you to add methods to classes of different types without much altering to these classes.

2. You can make completely different methods depending on the class used.

3. Allows you to define external classes that can extend other classes without majorly edit them.


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A useful tutorial that help you understand about Interpreter Pattern.

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What is flyweight pattern?

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Create a logger

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   1: interface IWeapon
   2: {
   3:     void Use();
   4: }

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This tutorial is about composite pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about adapter pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about command pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about proxy pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about factory pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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This tutorial is about observer pattern, which is my thoghts after watching the tutorial created by Christopher Okhravi.

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