
Unfortunately, the example[1] does not work for me and there were also some users who had the same problem. 

Only a black screen was shown on the App, although I had set up the app's permissions.

Finally, I studied OpenCV Android Studio Examples, and it happened to succeed. 



1. Launch Camera with openCV in Android Studio & Process Frames - Android Deep Learning Tutorials

2. OpenCV4Android Samples

3. Android:在服务中使用OpenCV VideoCapture

4. Loading video files using VideoCapture in Android 

5. Android studio載入OpenCV範例

6. Practical Image Processing in Android

7. Android studio載入OpenCV 4.3 module

8. Java OpenCVLoader.initAsync方法代碼示例

9. OpenCV Forum

10. IP Webcam Pro 將你的手機變成 IP 攝影機

11. vlc stream player



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