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using System; using System.Threading; using Emgu.CV; using Emgu.CV.CvEnum; using Emgu.CV.Structure; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WaferPositioning { // 同時播放兩支影片 public class DualVideoPlayer { private VideoCapture capture1; private VideoCapture capture2; private ManualResetEvent pauseEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true); private bool stopThreads = false; public event EventHandler<FrameReadyEventArgs> FrameReady; public DualVideoPlayer(string videoFile1, string videoFile2) { capture1 = new VideoCapture(videoFile1); capture2 = new VideoCapture(videoFile2); } public void Start() { stopThreads = false; pauseEvent.Set(); // Resume if paused ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => StartVideoPlayback()); } public void Pause() { pauseEvent.Reset(); // Pause playback } public void Resume() { pauseEvent.Set(); // Resume playback } public void Stop() { stopThreads = true; pauseEvent.Set(); // Resume if paused } private void StartVideoPlayback() { while (!stopThreads) { pauseEvent.WaitOne(); // Pause if signaled Mat frame1 = new Mat(); Mat frame2 = new Mat(); // Read frames from the video captures capture1.Read(frame1); capture2.Read(frame2); if (!frame1.IsEmpty && !frame2.IsEmpty) { FrameReady?.Invoke(this, new FrameReadyEventArgs(frame1, frame2)); } else { // End of video, you may want to stop or loop the playback capture1.Set(CapProp.PosFrames, 0); capture2.Set(CapProp.PosFrames, 0); } Thread.Sleep(33); Application.DoEvents(); // Allow UI events to be processed } } } public class FrameReadyEventArgs : EventArgs { public Mat Frame1 { get; } public Mat Frame2 { get; } public FrameReadyEventArgs(Mat frame1, Mat frame2) { Frame1 = frame1; Frame2 = frame2; } } } |