
FFT spectrum amplitude using median filters with different kernel sizes

FFT spectrum amplitude using different filters, including median filter, moving average filter, and Laplacian filter.

from utils import resizewithpool, rgb2gray
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skimage.measure import block_reduce

x = np.arange(1,82).reshape(9, 9)
x2 = block_reduce(x, (2, 2), np.max)
x3 = block_reduce(x, (3, 3), np.max)
print(f'x:{x}, \nx2:{x2}, \nx3:{x3}')

we did a block processing, and get a max value in each subblock, like this

kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.float)

n gets smaller when p_size gets higher.

block_reduce(grad, (n, n), np.max) lead grad to remain more details when n is getting smaller and smaller. 

For example, when p_size is 30, n is about 11 (342/30)

and n is becoming to be about 3 (342/120) when p_size is 120.

img = cv.imread('E:\OpenCV\images\messi5.jpg')
# img = cv.imread('E:\OpenCV\images\lena.jpg')
# min(高度, 寬度)
image_dim = int(min(img.shape[0:2]))
gray = rgb2gray(img)
grad = np.abs(cv.Sobel(gray, cv.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=3)) + np.abs(cv.Sobel(gray, cv.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=3))
# 計算縮放至image_dim大小
grad = cv.resize(grad, (image_dim, image_dim), cv.INTER_AREA)
# thresholding the gradient map to generate the edge-map as a proxy of the contextual cues
# m:最小強度 M:最大強度
m = grad.min()
M = grad.max()
middle = m + (0.4 * (M - m))
# grad低於中間值為0,否則為1
grad[grad < middle] = 0
grad[grad >= middle] = 1
kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.float)

# hei = img.shape[0]
# scale = 8
# p_size = int( hei/scale ), p_size means pace size
#      p_size:   12,    18,     24,       30,      36,      42
#  mean_value:    0, 0.031, 0.1296,   0.2197,    0.28,  0.3396
# case #1
p_size = 30
i_size = img.shape[0]
n = int(np.floor(i_size/p_size))
grad_resized1 = skimage.measure.block_reduce(grad, (n, n), np.max)
cv.resize(grad_resized1, (p_size, p_size), cv.INTER_NEAREST)
# case #2
p_size = 60
n = int(np.floor(i_size/p_size))
grad_resized2 = skimage.measure.block_reduce(grad, (n, n), np.max)
cv.resize(grad_resized2, (p_size, p_size), cv.INTER_NEAREST)
# case #3
p_size = 120
n = int(np.floor(i_size/p_size))
grad_resized3 = skimage.measure.block_reduce(grad, (n, n), np.max)
cv.resize(grad_resized3, (p_size, p_size), cv.INTER_NEAREST)
# 將grad_resized邊緣進行形態學 變粗
dilated1 = cv.dilate(grad_resized1, kernel, iterations=1)
meanvalue1 = (1-dilated1).mean()
dilated2 = cv.dilate(grad_resized2, kernel, iterations=1)
meanvalue2 = (1-dilated2).mean()
dilated3 = cv.dilate(grad_resized3, kernel, iterations=1)
meanvalue3 = (1-dilated3).mean()
print(f'meanvalues: ({meanvalue1},{meanvalue2}{meanvalue3})')
plt.subplot(221).set_title('original image: '+ f'{img.shape[0]}*{img.shape[1]}')
plt.subplot(222).set_title('p_size = 20, 1-dialate ='+f'{meanvalue1:.3f}')
plt.subplot(223).set_title('p_size = 40, 1-dialate ='+f'{meanvalue2:.3f}')
plt.subplot(224).set_title('p_size = 60, 1-dialate ='+f'{meanvalue3:.3f}')









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